Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, tomorrow after boot camp I will be headed out of town to my families.  I am going to attempt to eat healthy while I'm gone, being that my family doesn't cook it's a little easier than if there was great food around for days.

This morning I tired the Jamba Juice Strawberry Wild smoothie that you can buy at stores, I got mine at Fresh and Easy and I used their fresh squeezed apple juice.  I meant to only make one of the two servings (for about 120 calories) but I misread the directions and put in the full cup of apple juice instead of half cup so I ended up making the entire bag and I'll have the rest for lunch.  I have to say the smoothie was amazing awesome I want more really good and much better than the strawberry wild at Jamba Juice.

I thought that, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I would list what I am most thankful for this year.  I'm sure there are more but this is what I have come up with so far.

  • A warm roof over my head
  • My roommate
  • Bootcamp, I love to hate it
  • Internet, I learn so much and it helps pass the time
  • Upcoming changes in my life, hint big ones coming up!
  • My washer and dryer
  • My Pets
  • Vegas trip in early December
  • Music, I don't know what I would do without Itunes
  • My blankie, every year I buy a new one and donate my old one, it's weird but just one of my "things."
  • The fact that I'm working on my health and weight loss for ME not to impress someone else 

Lastly, that at some point today I am going to curl up on my sofa, with my blankie and most likely these two cuties above and watch either the first season of Gilmore Girls (I found the entire set for crazy cheap on Amazon) or the first season of Ghost Adventures.

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” 
― Epicurus

Friday, November 16, 2012

Freaky Friday

I decided I need to be accountable for my weight loss goals and life in general so I am starting this blog.  Losing weight on my own has been a challenge but in the past three years I have dropped almost 100 pounds although I have gained back 35 of those pounds.  I believe at my heaviest I tipped the scales at about 310, I was down to 210 but now I'm back up to something like 245.  Okay okay the math isn't perfect but you get the idea!

What I plan to do with this blog is post mainly once a day, sometimes more but hardly ever less.   Every Friday will be my official weigh in and body fat measure day that I plan to post every week, I even put it on my phone calender!  I always weight myself every day, it's a bad habit but one I can't seem to break right now, although I always am forgiving of myself  when I go up an ounce or two but I don't plan on posting those numbers.  Daily I will post my exercise, what I ate, how my day was, recipes and who knows what else. I am far from an expert, matter of fact I could most likely use some expert help but I want to share what has (or hasn't) worked for me and have accountability to strangers on the internet.  I hope that I begin to have some followers and please feel free to leave comments on my blog, I would like to get to know each and every one of you.